The West Chester Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association accepts donations to support the purposes of the Association. Donations are accepted under the fiscal guidance of the Northern Cincinnati Foundation and are tax deductible as a 501 (c) (3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code.
Donations can be made online, mailed via check, by phone or dropped off at the offices of the Northern Cincinnati Foundation.
Online donations can be made by Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Online donations can be made at
Be sure to designate the West Chester Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association as the fund you would like to support. You will receive an email confirmation of your donation as well as an acknowledgement letter via mail.
Donations can be mailed by check to:
Northern Cincinnati Foundation
8897 Cincinnati Dayton Road
West Chester, Ohio 45069
Be sure to designate the West Chester Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association as the fund you would like to support on the memo line of your check. Include your name and mailing address with your donation. You will receive an acknowledgement letter of your donation via mail.
Donations can be dropped off:
Checks can be dropped off at the Northern Cincinnati Foundation, 8897 Cincinnati Dayton Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069, Monday β Friday 9:00 a.m. β 5:00 p.m.
Donations can be accepted by phone:
To donate by phone, call the Foundation office, 513-874-5450. Be sure to designate the West Chester Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association as the fund you would like to support.
Thank you for supporting the West Chester Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association.