Before submitting the form below, please read the WCCPAAA ByLaws and the Rules of Conduct and Ethics. You will need to agree to these as part of your membership application/renewal.
After completing and submitting the form below, please scroll to the bottom. Below the “Submit” button will be a box outlined in green if your submission was successful. A box outlined in orange will indicate if there were any problems with your submission that need to be corrected.
This contact form is available only for logged in users.
Do not proceed with payment unless “Thank you for your application/renewal. It has been submitted.” is shown in a green outlined box below the “Submit” button.
To pay online, go to our Donation page on the Northern Cincinnati Foundation website:
The link will take you to our Landing Page on the Foundation’s website. Click on the “Donate” on the top right of the page, enter the payment/donation amount and click “Donate”. Please pay the amount due and mention that it is for your “WCCPAAA Membership Application/Renewal” in the “Feel free to designate the fund or leave a message” section of the form.
Thank you for your continued membership in the West Chester Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association!